I studied Art History and art making at McGill and the University of Victoria. I’ve been fortunate to spend days in the great museums of Europe, Russia and North America. My favourite art is painting that is still wet and stone sculpture that is unfinished. In my grade three class, the teacher read from a book the meaning of all of our names. My arch rival for the affections of Daisy was Herbert “strong and brave.” My name Peter means “rock”. I was crushed and embarrassed. I grew up in Quebec on an island, the island of Montreal. The town was called Pierrefonds or 'rock-bottom' in English, go figure… although my good friend Mark has offered the translation, “Deep Stone”.
Art History
I remember the epiphany of my first few minutes an Art History class in the old arts building at McGill as Mark Chisholm lectured on Gauguin and synthesism. Ever since I’ve been encouraging any student with an elective to take an art history class “Imagine,” I say “sitting in a darkened room looking at two projection screens as images of human mark making over the ages are compared and contrasted by a brilliant mind…” I forsook political science and international relations from that moment on.
On Process
Direct carving soft stone with hand tools is like carving butter on a winter’s day. On Salt Spring Island where I live one can carve outside year round more or less. In winter the stone is colder than a tomb, in summer hot like a car hood. It seems elemental, timeless to chip away standing in the weather–I think of the legion of artists doing the same.
Self Portrait with Cindy Sherman
My muse, my wife Lynda, works at her art of writing, creating journaling community www.iajw.org next door. As we playfully work we think of our two boys who inspire us with the wonder of it all….
As Leonard Cohen sang “We live our lives as if it’s real a thousand kisses deep,”
The stone reveals of course, but it is not a given. I am flush with the excitement of thinking into rock but see in a dark crevice the fear of a time when nothing comes.
My Method
No preparatory drawings, no maquette, no photographs, just the rock. Chisels and a mallet, a cup of coffee and then I jump. There is silence, or jazz. Two hours later I realize I am flesh and blood and my forearms ache.
Studio desk
The Figure
For a few years, Heidi and I drew from the life model. It has been inspiring and connects us to every artist who has been stumped and moved and taught by the human figure – spirit bless all the models who sit patiently for us. Special thanks to Renee and Harmony, Christine and Rachelle.
This very traditional act of dwelling on the line and space of a body’s form has informed and invigorated my carving as it has my photography and I go back to the curves in my mind. So much to learn...
I picked up my camera again after a long interregnum, to take images for the solo exhibition NO PUBLIC HOUSE. Since then I have enjoyed working with the figure for THE EROTIC ART SHOW .
Sixteen portraits formed part of INK + SKIN + THE ROCK.
Inspiration and Acknowledgements
My family. Cutie. Van Morrison. Fulford Harbour. Betsy Tumasonis. Professor Grosskurth. I-SEA. Picasso. Sam Gamgee. David Rimmer. Rhonda. The Hacks. Whales. Moonrise. Seth’s Knives. Single Malt. Stephanie, Tom, Morley RIP, Sweet Thing. Hula. Volunteers. Cindy Sherman. Dorothy Cutting. Jennifer. Malcolm Lowry. Man Ray. Uncle Jack. Dr. Leavitt. Micah. Judy Harper. Machine. Expresso. Airstreams and the Argosy. Bob Marley. Airborne Coho. Otters. Elba. Loreto. Old Cars. Red Rocket Volvo P1800. Vinyl Records. Bernie and Honor. Jimi Hendrix. Hockey. Blue Eyes. Murals. Garage Sales. Palapas. Mark Clarke. One Bubble. Peter/Barney. Kayaking. Elba. Dr. Beaver. Margery. SaltSpring Gallery. M. Donovan Neale-May. 007. OAC Fellowship. The Kayak Shack. Jackson. Jesse. Muhammad Ali.
take me back take me way way back